Playing it safe

As I have a parkrun on Saturday and a Regents Park 10k on Sunday, I have decided to obey the physio and not run before my appointment on Friday.

So I have instead turned my attentions to core stability, which I gather is the secret to injury-free running well into my nineties.

As I know nothing at all about core stability, I headed off to the internet to find some likely looking exercises, and armed with “the only eight core workout exercises you’ll ever need”, I dug out my yoga mat.

  • Exercise 1: The Plank.  Tick
  • Exercise 2:  The Side Plank.  Tick and Tick
  • Exercise 3:  V-Sit Abdominal.  Hmmm.  I appear to be missing some muscles.
  • Exercise 4:  The Bicycle Crunch.  Oooooooow!
  • Exercise 5:  The Hip Bridge.  Yay!  One I can do!
  • Exercise 6:  The Single Leg Bridge.  Tick and Tick.
  • Exercise 7:  The Push Up Lat Row.  You’re having a laugh.  Let me count the flaws with this exercise.  One – I have no dumbbells.  Two – I can’t do a push up.  Three – If I could do a push up, I doubt I’d manage to do one while holding a dumbbell.  Four – Assuming I managed a push up while supported on dumbbells, do you really expect me to then lift one arm off the ground?  Get real!
  • Exercise 8:  The Skip with Twist.  Not really suitable for my front room.

Oh well.  Six out of eight isn’t bad, but just to show willing, I’ve also started a programme to build me up to 100 push ups.  I’m starting off on the remedial programme with 12 weedy knee push ups.  Will I graduate to full push ups?  Only time will tell!

About abradypus

A Bradypus or Sloth am I, I live a life of ease, contented not to do or die but idle as I please; ... [Michael Flanders and Donald Swann]
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15 Responses to Playing it safe

  1. Hard-core! Lol.
    Looking forward to seeing everyone on Sunday.

  2. juleswill1 says:

    good luck with the press ups they are a killer tricep ones are even worse. Might try this routine myself

  3. Catherine says:

    The push up lat row sounds like a method of torture…and a little bit dangerous – sounds like you could fall on your face quite easily!

  4. Kieron C says:

    I never mastered the whole push-up things, i could barely scrape double figures! I can highly recommend sit-ups as considerably easier and arguably more effective for runners though 🙂

  5. If you want to try number seven I would recommend the hexagonal type dumb bells.

  6. shazruns says:

    Hope you have recovered from all that activity!

  7. iliketocount says:

    Double clap push ups are a sure way to a nosebleed first time but get more achievable with practice – I’m sure most of these are the same. Shame I’ve no idea what the rest seem to be at all! Time to start looking, I guess.
    Good luck with the physio and the races.

  8. 7stoneitch says:

    Oh well done you, I’m not sure I could have managed all that today.

  9. fortnightflo says:

    Sounds like torture!

  10. plustenner says:

    sounds really hard! good luck..
    you have inspired me, as I have a very week core, and definitely want to have injury-free running until I am 90! 🙂 see you Sunday x

  11. jensruns2011 says:

    Fab post, made me giggle 🙂

  12. MovingAlong says:

    Go you! I’ve just started ‘planking’ and it kills me. I also started the press-up challenge, but its already gone by the way side (for about the 7th time!)

  13. runtezza says:

    When’s your DVD hitting the shops?

  14. henniemavis says:

    Did you know that hard belly laughs are one of the best abdominal exercises you can do? Cramping of the core while trying to take a breath is proof! Try it with me now, as I read your post: HA HA HA HA HA… ow ow ow 🙂

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