A break in the clouds

Running-wise, this week has felt like hard work.  Monday’s planned run became a token mile around the block.  Wednesday’s run formed part of my commute (for which read on-road, in less than glamorous surroundings, dodging pedestrians and street furniture and muttering at traffic lights).  Thursday’s run didn’t happen at all.  Friday’s run was again part of my commute.  Saturday’s run featured a great parkrun, but not the full mileage I’d planned.

All of which left me feeling a little disheartened.

But then this morning, I met plustenner for a trail run around Banstead and my mojo returned.  The setting was beautiful, the company was good, the weather was kind and by the end I had fallen in like with running again.  Which is just as well given that it’s now less than a week until my marathon.


About abradypus

A Bradypus or Sloth am I, I live a life of ease, contented not to do or die but idle as I please; ... [Michael Flanders and Donald Swann]
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7 Responses to A break in the clouds

  1. John m says:

    I had one of my worst runs the week before London. And then spent a week feeling heavier and worryingly tired. The marathon was great, though. How’s that?!

  2. plustenner says:

    Thanks to you for the company too! You will have a great race next week, just rest and fuel up now 🙂

  3. shazruns says:

    Yikes that marathon has coeround awful quick hasn’t it?

  4. Glad your run with Alma gave you a boost. Dont worry youll be great on the day! You’re not the only one having an off week. Im having proper tantrums!!

  5. fortnightflo says:

    Oh wow – its this weekend it’s come around so quickly!

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