#TP100: DNF

I wanted it so much and I tried so hard, but today was not my day. I have been chewed up and spat out and I’m broken.


I’m also profoundly grateful to Kate and Norm, without whom I would have dropped far earlier, the Centurion RD and volunteers who had me in tears with their kindness, and of course, to Andy, who doesn’t bat an eyelid when I enter daft races, and who picks up the pieces afterwards.

I’m also a little overwhelmed by the support that I had en route from other runners (some of whom made it and some of whom didn’t) and from family, friends, team mates, club mates, parkrunners, twitter and ‘athoners.

And I’m more in love with ultra running than ever.




About abradypus

A Bradypus or Sloth am I, I live a life of ease, contented not to do or die but idle as I please; ... [Michael Flanders and Donald Swann]
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12 Responses to #TP100: DNF

  1. Well done Louise (and back up team) am in awe of your guts and determination.
    Hope you mend fast so you can get on with plotting the next one.

  2. JovialGnome says:

    Louise you rock! And you rock even more now than you did before, just the thought of you getting to 71 miles got me through my 26 today. I know you will be back and you will show ultra running who’s boss! Loved Norm and Alma’s tweets and your Andy deserves a medal as big as a dustbin lid!

  3. Norm says:

    That last line makes me very happy indeed – every minute was worthwhile 🙂

  4. And you are all the more amazing for giving it your all, right up to the end.
    DNF? Definitely Nonetheless Fantastic!

  5. plustenner says:

    Totally agree with all the above! you are an inspiration to us all xx

  6. blackandtabby says:

    I’m so sorry you didn’t finish, but it sounds like you (and your team) gave it your all. Well done! Recover, rest, heal and onto the next one!

  7. Helen says:

    71 miles is still a magnificent achievement. Well done.

  8. Helen says:

    Well even better! (I just read 71 in a comment above), and Clifton Hampden is a very nice village to stop in. Abingdon is crap.

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